Category Archives: Hi Tech & Innovation news

Pluggable diffractive neural networks based on cascaded metasurfaces

Deep learning algorithms based on artificial neural networks are completely changing information processing methods in many scientific and engineering fields. Currently, it has been applied to many specific tasks, including image classification, image encryption, speech recognition, and language translation. However, With the rapid development of artificial intelligence algorithms, there is a huge contradiction between the […]

Japanese turn to wearable tech to beat the heat

Selling jackets with built-in fans, neck coolers and T-shirts that feel cold, Japanese firms are tapping into a growing market for products to help people handle the summer heat. Japan—like other countries—is seeing ever-hotter summers. This July was the warmest in 100 years, with at least 53 people dying of heatstroke and almost 50,000 needing […]

Unexploded ordnance is scattered across Ukraine’s front lines, so researchers are mapping hot spots with AI

Indiscriminate shelling along the front lines of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has seeded farm fields and towns with untold numbers of unexploded munitions. Now University of Maryland geographical sciences researchers are combining satellite imagery with deep learning, a form of artificial intelligence (AI), in hopes of preventing a deadly harvest. Their system has already mapped […]

Two rival robotaxi services win approval to operate throughout San Francisco despite safety concerns

California regulators on Thursday approved an expansion that will allow two rival robotaxi services to operate throughout San Francisco at all hours, despite safety worries spurred by recurring problems with unexpected stops and other erratic behavior that resulted in unmanned vehicles blocking traffic, including emergency vehicles. The state’s Public Utilities Commission voted to approve rival […]

Ghost-busting heat-assisted detection and ranging brings clarity to thermal imaging

It may not be too long before autonomous vehicles rule the roads. Despite a few widely reported mishaps, autonomous vehicles (AVs) are considered as safe or safer than human drivers in many respects. They’re equipped with radar-detection and 360-degree cameras that are not impacted by a poor night’s sleep, a cellphone call or texting. AVs […]

Driverless taxis gain ground in San Francisco

California authorities took a major step forward Thursday in expanding driverless taxi services in San Francisco, giving the green light for operators Waymo and Cruise to compete with ride-share services and cabs. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) heard six hours of public comment before voting three-to-one to let Waymo, a unit of Google-parent Alphabet, […]

Computer system based on light could jumpstart power of ChatGPT-type machine-learning programs

ChatGPT has made headlines around the world with its ability to write well-done essays, emails, and computer code based on a few questions from a user. Now an MIT-led team reports a system that could lead to machine-learning programs several orders of magnitude more powerful than the one behind ChatGPT. Plus, the system they developed […]

Why the growth of AI in making art won’t eliminate artists

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has been in the news, most recently concerning the Hollywood actors’ strike about the potential impact of AI in filmmaking. Another story involved AI being used to replicate the voice of the Canadian rapper Drake in a track that went viral. These stories raise questions about performers’ rights, and also lead […]

Brain2Music taps thoughts to reproduce music

Legendary Stones guitarist Keith Richards once said, “Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions, and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones.” Keith knows music, but researchers at Google and Osaka University in Japan know brain activity and they have reported progress in reconstructing music, not […]

Researchers successfully train a machine learning model in outer space for the first time

For the first time, researchers have trained a machine learning model in outer space, on board a satellite. This achievement could enable real-time monitoring and decision making for a range of applications, from disaster management to deforestation. This project has been summarized in a publication, “Fast model inference and training on-board of Satellites,” available on […]