Author Archives: admin

Conditional cash transfer programs have prevented 739,919 child deaths in Latin America: Study

Over the past two decades, conditional cash transfer programs have led to a 24% reduction in child mortality in Brazil, Mexico and Ecuador, equivalent to more than 700,000 child deaths averted, according to an impact evaluation study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), an institution supported by “la Caixa” Foundation. The results, […]

Understanding the metabolites underlying eye development

Aerobic glycolysis, the process by which cells transform glucose into lactate, is key for eye development in mammals, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study published in Nature Communications. While it has been well known that retinal cells use lactate during cell differentiation, the exact role that this process plays in early eye development was […]

A strategy to reduce defects in inverted perovskite solar cells and improve their performance

Perovskites, a class of materials with a characteristic crystal structure, have proved to be very promising for the fabrication of solar cells and photovoltaics. One of these materials is lead triodide (FAPbI3), a perovskite that exhibits a long carrier lifetime and a high carrier mobility, as well as good light absorption and electrical conductivity. Energy […]

Researchers use liquid crystals that mimic beetle shell coloration units to create a more secure type of QR code

A research group led by Dr. Jialei He of Nagoya University’s Graduate School of Engineering has developed a method for processing cholesteric liquid crystals (CLCs) into micrometer-sized spherical particles. CLCs are a type of liquid crystal that possess a helical structure, giving them unique optical properties and the ability to selectively reflect light. By combining […]

New technique may help achieve mass production fusion energy

Fusion, which replicates the same reaction that powers the sun, has long been viewed as an ideal energy source due to its potential to be safe, clean, cheap, and reliable. Since the early 1960s, scientists have pursued the possibility of using high-powered lasers to compress thermonuclear material long enough and at high enough temperatures to […]

Pump powers soft robots, makes cocktails and opens the door for soft robotic applications

The hottest drink of the summer may be the SEAS-colada. Here’s what you need to make it: gin, pineapple juice, coconut milk and a dielectric elastomer actuator-based soft peristaltic pump. Unfortunately, the last component can only be found in the lab of Robert Wood, the Harry Lewis and Marlyn McGrath Professor of Engineering and Applied […]

Titanium oxide material lets sunlight drive green hydrogen production

Clean energy plans, including the U.S. Infrastructure Investment Act’s “Clean Hydrogen Road Map,” are counting on hydrogen as a fuel of the future. But current hydrogen separation technology is still falling short of efficiency and sustainability goals. As part of ongoing efforts to develop materials that could enable alternative energy sources, researchers in Drexel University’s […]

Deepfake videos prompt false memories of films in half of participants

In a new study, deepfake video clips of movie remakes that don’t actually exist prompted participants to falsely remember the films—but simple text descriptions of the fake movies prompted similar false memory rates. Gillian Murphy of University College Cork, Ireland, and Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, and colleagues presented these findings […]